Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lets try this again----- Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is Ella Mae's 87th birthday! Pretty amazing!

Here are some pictures of her to celebrate the amazing woman that she is.

About 5 years old

Ella Mae about 12 years old with her dog.

Ella Mae in her teens - this is a school photo

Ella Mae with some school friends in Ransolph
Ella Mae with a friend

Ella Mae when she was 17 years old

Ella Mae and her boyfriend (soon to be husband) Gene - early 1940's

Gene and Ella Mae on their wedding day - June 19, 1944

Ella Mae's family along with Gene

With her boys. (1962)

As a mom -
Picture is probably about 1950-1960

With my dad in 1968

With her main man Gene in 1972

With her boys in 2008

An Amazing woman. Love you Grandma!

Did you know?

Did you know that the Bingham and McKinnon families were always meant to be together?

Not only with Gene and EllaMae, but generations before.

You see our Gene McKinnon's great grandpa on his dad's side, Archibald McKinnon Sr, and Ella Mae Bingham's great-great grandma on her mom's side, Jane McKinnon McPhail, were brother and sister.