Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pioneer Day

Today is Pioneer Day in Utah. Its the day that the state recognizes and celebrates the coming of all the pioneers to Utah over 150 years ago. Since becoming interested in family history, this day has brought on a whole new meaning. Because of them, I am here.

Here are some of the pioneers from our family that came to Utah in the handcart/wagon movement in from the 1840's-1860's...

McKinnon line:



Bingham Line:

Selman Line:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Death Certs

Death Certificate for Archibald McKinnon (Sr.)

Death Certificate of Mary McKay McKinnon

Monday, July 15, 2013

Elizabeth Bott and Samuel Brough

Elizabeth Bott and Samuel Brough

How we relate:
They are the parents of George Henry Brough
Who is the father of Mabel Brough Bingham
Who is the mother of Ella Mae Bingham McKinnon
Who is the mother of Don McKinnon

Samuel Brough was born on September 16, 1839. He was the son of Richard Brough and Mary Horleston of Staffordshire, England.  They had 12 children.
As a young man, Samuel worked in the coal mines around the city of Longton and also  worked in the trades of masonry and carpentry. British census records state that Samuel was working as a coal miner when he was eleven years old.
 Elizabeth Bott was born on March 18, 1838 to Benjamin and Elizabeth Bott. She was the oldest of nine children and did not attend a single day of school in her life. She and her sisters were china painters and decorators in the Staffordshire potteries.
Elizabeth’s parents were members of the Church of England and bitterly opposed her keeping company with Samuel since his father was a Mormon and Elizabeth's parents were long time members of the Church if England . However, Elizabeth didn't care what her parents said and both she and Samuel, while dating, investigated the Mormon church and ended up being baptized in May of 1857. After Elizabeth joined the Church, her parents cut her out of their lives for many years. Years later, Elizabeth got back in contact with her siblings through letters.
On 7 February 1858, Samuel Brough married Elizabeth Bott in Edensor, Staffordshire. He built one room onto his father's house where they lived until they came to America. Four children were born in England: Mary Elizabeth (1858), Jane (1860), Samuel (1861), and Eliza (1863).     

Samuel and Elizabeth and their children left Liverpool on 30 May 1863 on the ship Cynosure. They sailed with a company of 754 Saints under the direction of David M. Stewart, arriving in New York Harbor on July 19.
While on board ship there was an epidemic of measles and two year old Samuel became very sick and almost died a few times.  After arriving in New York, the family started westward. They traveled part of the way to Florence, Nebraska in cattle cars. They crossed the Missouri River near Florence on a ferry. Shortly after arriving in Nebraska, little Samuel finally succumbed to the measles and died on August 7, 1863. He was buried in a dry-goods box, dressed in a little colored nightgown. 
     On August 15, 1863 they started across the plains in the Samuel D. White Company. Many families were assigned to each wagon. Elizabeth walked most of the way while carrying her 5 month old daughter, Eliza.  Samuel drove the team all the way to Utah. The wagon trained pushed forward everyday stopping for a half a day each week to wash their clothes in the nearest creek.
                   On October 15, 1863, they reached a snow covered Salt Lake City. Arriving at the beginning of winter made it cold and miserable, it was hard to feel at home. They lived in Bountiful, Utah the first winter and in the spring, moved to Porterville, Utah in Morgan County.  They lived in a little dugout in the hillside. It was lined with adobes, and there was a fireplace in one end.

      In the spring when the snow started to melt, the frost came out of the ground and the water washed down the chimney and part of the wall caved in. A little daughter, Emma, was born in this dugout on March 25, 1865. This same year two year old Eliza died.  Eliza had been ill for only a little while, and the night before she died, it is said she cried for a potato, but there were none to give. This death was extra hard for Elizabeth to bear because she always felt that her little girl died of starvation.

     The family was able to move into a two-room house and there another son, William Thomas, was born on December 11, 1866. In February 1867, the Union Pacific Railroad was starting down the Weber Canyon. They moved to Henefer and found employment. Prudence was born in Henefer on  September 24, 1868. Samuel then moved his family back to Porterville to work with his brother Thomas in a brickyard.
            In May 1870 Samuel left Elizabeth in Porterville with five children and her expecting another whil he traveled to Randolph to see the land that was available for homesteading.  He stayed the summer  in Randolph and worked as  an expert chimney maker. While Samuel built chimneys for the settlers they cut and hauled logs for the house he was building for his family. He received 20 acres of land to homestead. He built a two-room log house located on the corner of Field Street and Second East.  Their son, George Henry (who we come from), was born in Porterville on July 9, 1870. 
Samuel returned to Porterville in the fall to harvest his crops and move the rest of the family to Randolph. By the time he returned, Elizabeth had not heard from him for so long that she had  thought he may have died. She was sitting by the side of the house crying when she saw him walking over the hill.
Samuel harvested his crops, sold his farm to his older brother, Thomas Brough, and sold their house. With a horse, a pair of oxen and a prairie schooner, Samuel, Elizabeth and their six children left for Randolph. Ducks, pigs, chickens and all their belongings were packed in the wagon, which also had a box on the back. Their three cows along with some other cattle were driven. It took a week to make the trip.
It was after dark when they reached Big Creek south of Randolph. The wagon got stuck in the mud and they all walked into Randolph while Samuel stayed with their stuff. They reached a house and stayed with them while the husband of that house went back to help Samuel get the wagon out. It was near midnight when they finally reached the little two-room log house with a dirt floor. Samuel had gathered the chips from the hewed logs and piled them in the center of the room. At the time, it did not have any doors or windows in it. Elizabeth sat on the pile of chips and cried. A fire was soon started in the fireplace in the west end of the room.

Elizabeth and the children stayed and milked and fed the cows, pigs, chickens and ducks while Samuel went to Almy, Wyoming to work in the coal mines during the winter. In the spring Samuel cleared a piece of land and planted grain and had a small vegetable garden. They gathered hay from the "bottoms" east of town for the cattle. They carried their water from "Little Creek" for household purposes until a well could be dug--they called it the "Old Windless." They still had hard times as their crops were not certain. Samuel was a very good farmer and worked at this in the summertime, and worked in the coal mines in Almy, Wyoming during the winters.
While in Randolph, Samuel and Elizabeth had three more children:  Hannah (1872), Benjamin (1874), and Adria (1876).    Samuel spent years building the family's new brick home. Money was scarce and he would have to stop for awhile, harvest his crops, and sell some to obtain more money. He made his own brick, lime, and did the mason work on his home which was the first brick home to be built in Randolph. He  also helped build many other homes in Randolph.

Elizabeth’s granddaughters recall her as a dainty lady; mannerly, polite and refined. Proper in everything she said and did. When working in her home she could always be found with a long black skirt, frilly black satin blouses, and a long clean white starched apron, edged in lace at the bottom. She always had pretty bonnets that tied under her chin. Her home and Elizabeth were immaculately clean and neat.
Samuel and Elizabeth’s yard was beautiful and well kept. Flower beds lined the board walks. The house’s sunny bay windows were filled with plants and blooming fuchsias and geraniums. Her cupboard held the English china painted by her sisters, straight from the Wedgewood potteries in Staffordshire.
Samuel Brough was a religious man and attended to his Church affairs with dedication. He died 29 May 1911 at the age of 71. He left Elizabeth well provided for financially. On hand were all six of her daughters. Three of her four sons passed away before she did.
Elizabeth’s life was an example of true devotion to her husband, family, church and friends. She was a hard worker and often said, “It is better to wear out than to rust out.” In later years she accepted help from her granddaughters to clean her house, but no one was allowed to polish her stove. She was known throughout the valley for her hot cross buns, raisin bread, and butterscotch candy. Her daughter and granddaughters delivered hot cross buns to loved ones on Good Friday as they had seen her do.
Elizabeth was the only one of her family to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She always defended her faith and encouraged her children and other Latter-day Saints to remain faithful to their beliefs. Of Elizabeth it was said, She never regretted the sacrifices and hardships she went through to come to Zion. She died 23 Nov 1921 at the age of 83.

Brough family picture.
Back row Left to Right; Hannah, William, Prudence, George, Emma
Second row; Mary Elizabeth, Samuel (Father), Elizabeth (Mother), Jane (plural wife of Archibald McKinnon)
Third row: Adria, Benjamin
Not pictured: Little Samuel and Eliza who died in their childhood.

·         History, Descendants, & Ancestry of William Rex & Mary Elizabeth Brough of 
     Randolph, Utah Ronald Dee Rex (pp. 65-69)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Selman's

Mary Ann Francom and Charles Selman

How we relate:
They are the parents of George Llewelyn Selman,
who is the father of Veda Selman Hampson,
who is the mother of Nancy Hampson McKinnon.

Mary Ann Francom was born in Uitenhage, South Africa, on November 25, 1853. Her parents were William and Amy Harding Francom.  Her parents were originally from England, but after learning of the growing opportunities in South Africa, they migrated in 1847 to claim new land during the “The Colonization Movement”. The family settled in Uitenhage, a few miles from Port Elizabeth in the Cape Colony and this is where MaryAnn was born in 1853.  She was the ninth child of ten, but was the only living daughter living among 6 brothers.      

The family lived in a row of three-room cottages until about 1856, when Mary Ann’s father,  William,  started a merchandise business.  With the help of his sons, her father established and operated a traveling store, moving with portable supplies in a wagon or wagons to sell to the farmers.  This new business became a good operation and they became prosperous and the family was able to move into a six-room brick house.

Mary Ann’s older brother wrote a memoir of his life and in it he remembered their life in South Africa:

 “The kitchen was one long room, with the fireplace, or brick stove as it was then called, at one side of the room. All of the cooking was done over an open fire and in this brick oven. Stoves - as we know them, were not known in Africa at that time. What a good cook my mother was! The big plum puddings, the roasts of meat and the vegetables she used to cook seemed to me the best I have ever tasted. 
We had about two acres of garden with a hedge of white and yellow quince on one side, while pomegranate hedges grew on the other side. We had an orchard of figs: blue, white and yellow; also there were grapes pears and apples, in addition to vegetables of all kinds. We had three crops a year, since our garden was irrigated from the water in the ditches along the streets. This water came from a reservoir in the hills above the city.
Our store was built near our residence. I remember the sign painted on the store, "Francom Mercantile & Grocery - Prince of Wales”, together with a picture of a bunch of feathers. Across the street from our store was the market square where gardeners and farmers brought their produce to be sold at auction. Merchants and housewives and anyone who wanted to buy were there. They sold all kinds of fruits, vegetables, cheese, butter and eggs. On this square they also sold horses and goats at auction. Most people had goats, since that was the source of our milk supply. “

The Francom family had learned of the gospel and was baptized. They heard of the saints gathering in America and longed to be united with them as the LDS religion was not a popular religion in South Africa and many were persecuted at that time.  In 1862, Mary Ann’s oldest brother William went to America, with another brother, Joseph, going there the following year. Mary Ann’s mother longed to go as well and in 1865, her father gave consent to leave Africa with the rest of the children to go to America.  However because of the persecution of the people of the Mormons in that particular area they did not let anyone know, except members of the Church, that they were planning on leaving by ship to come to America, so early in the morning they packed their wagons and headed for the Port which was about twenty miles from Uitenhage.  It took them about a day’s journey to get there and they stayed one night and then boarded the ship the next day together with about 40 other members of the Church.  Miner G. Atwood was the captain for this group of saints and all would have to listen to his direction.  At this time the family business was thriving to such an extent that the second eldest brother, George, had to stay in Africa with her father to help him wind up his affairs in anticipation of following the rest of the family to the new country.

Mary Ann Francom

Amy, Mary Ann’s mother, set out to travel to America with the 4 youngest children: John, Samuel, MaryAnn and James.  The cost of passage was 18 pounds per adult, families were 20 pounds and it was 25 pounds to be able to have a cabin. The ship they were to take was called The Mexicana and everyone boarded on April of 1865. William spent the night with them and the other Mormon members in the ship as it lay in harbor, but the next morning said his farewell as he was to stay in South Africa with son George, in order to close things up with the business.

The trip required six weeks to arrive in America and they arrived in New York on the 18th of June 1865 after an uneventful trip across the Atlantic. After arriving in New York, they took the railway to Omaha, Nebraska on the train which was at that time the end of the rail line. Here the group of saints met and prepared to form a company to go across the plains in covered wagons. The Fancom family was well enough off that they had enough money that they could outfit herself with the proper wagons and teams and all the necessary things in order to leave on the journey.

In early July, the wagon train came to the Missouri River and Mary Ann, who was now of age to be baptized, was baptized along with her younger brother. 

Mary Ann’s older brother, Joseph, who had journeyed to America  a few years earlier met them at the Green River passing and traveled with them the rest of the way. They finally arrived to the Salt Lake Valley in November of 1865.  The family decided to settle in Payson after a few months of searching where to live.

There is a story that has been told about Mary Ann, and how like the others, she would go with her mother to social functions.  There was a dance one evening that Mary Ann attended with her mother and a married man came to talk to Mary Ann. The story goes to tell that the married man proposed right then and there marriage. He happened to have red hair, which Mary Ann did not like. She said to him:  "You redheaded old fool you, I wouldn't marry you if you were the last man on earth.”  The ironic thing about that statement is that later, some of her children would be born with and grow to have red hair.

In 1870, Mary Ann met and married Charles Selman. Mary Ann was 16, Charles was 23. They lived in Payson for many years and had 10 children while living there.

Charles Selman was born in Gloucester, England on October 31, 1847.His parents were Margaret Giles and Isaac Selman. The family lived in England for some years and then around 1849, they moved to Cardiff, Wales.  After moving to Wales, they were introduced to Mormon missionaries in 1849 and all the family members who were of age, were baptized the same year. Charles, known as Chas throughout his life, was baptized at age 8.     
Charles "Chas" Selman

When Chas was 14, he was apprenticed as a tin smith. A tin smith in the late 1800’s was a person who formed objects such as milk pails, basins, cake and pie pans,  chandeliers and crooked-spout coffee pots. After his apprenticeship was completed, they then generally would become a journeyman, not yet being a master smith employing others. Many young tinsmiths took to the road as peddlers or tinkers in an effort to save enough money to open a shop in town.

Charles worked as such from age 14 to 22. When he was 19, he met a woman named Miriam Edwards and they were married on Oct 22, 1867. They had a child named Charles Thomas on April 9, 1968. The marriage did not last long, because Miriam never embraced the LDS religion. Charles wanted to immigrate to America with other people of his faith so they divorced.

Charles immigrated to Utah arriving there in September of 1868. He drove an ox team from Laramie, Wyoming to Utah carrying Mormon immigrants and he helped build the first railroad running between Ogden and Salt Lake City. When his contract was finished he moved to Payson, where he met and married Mary Ann Francom in 1870.

 The family lived in Payson for many years and Charles and Mary Ann had 10 children:  Mary Elizabeth (b.1872), Lillie May (b.1874), Clara Dora (b.1876), Sylvia Charlotte (b.1879), Charles William (b.1881), George Lewellyn (b.1884), Emron Franklin (b.1887), Delsel Giles (b.1890), Harry Drexel (b.1893), and Leonidas Harding (b.1896). All of their children lived to adulthood which was rare for those times.

During those many years in Payson, Charles listed “Day Laborer” as his occupation. Mary Ann stayed home and raised the children.

Selman home in Payson, UT

In the year 1901, a small town called Raymond in Canada was being settled after a miner from Utah planned to build a sugar factory and a town there. This would provide a great opportunity for making a living in Raymond. There were jobs related to the sugar factory, business opportunities in town, and farming and ranching could be carried on in surrounding areas where land was inexpensive. Hearing of the greater opportunity for their sons, particularly for land and for work, Charles and Mary Ann emigrated with one daughter, Clara Dora, and their six sons ranging in age from about 21 to about 5 years of age. The rest of the daughters had been married and stayed behind with their own families in Payson.  They set up home in this new frontier town and helped build up the community.  There were many Mormons who came to do the same thing, so the church was very strong in this little community.  

The Selman’s were among the first families who arrived in Raymond. The first settlers pitched tents and prepared for winter. Within days of their arrival a vicious snowstorm hit when they were poorly prepared for such challenges and most of them, along with others who subsequently joined them, were forced to spend the winter in tents. It wasn’t until the following spring that they were able to build a house.

The family flourished in Raymond. The rest of the children married and settled in Raymond or neighboring communities. Mary Ann and Charles were active in the community and in the church.  Mary Ann was in the first Relief Society Presidency of Raymond. Charles and Mary Ann were directors on the Raymond Fair Board many years.

MaryAnn (in black) with daughters and grandchildren in Raymond

Mary Ann suffered her health in later years. She struggled with varicose veins, some of which had ruptured causing great ulcerous sores on her ankles and legs which made it difficult to walk.

In 1920, Mary Ann fell and broke her hip and had to walk with crutches for the rest of her life. Though difficult, she continued to cook and clean and do the household duties. That same year, Mary Ann and Charles celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  In total they were married for 58 years.

50th Anniversary Pary Invitation

Mary Ann wrote in a small autobiography of her life the following:

  “It was in the springtime that my lover came and I suppose it was love on first sight. We joined together in the springtime, April 4, 1870. Since that time we have lived together in the sunshine, in the rain, sharing one another’s pleasures, one another’s pains. In 1920, I met with an accident which made me a cripple. I had to retire from public life. The saddest part of my life came when I had to part with my lover January 1, 1929.”

Mary Ann and Charles

Charles Selman died on January 1, 1929 at the age of 81. Mary Ann lived ten more years and died on September 18, 1939 , one month away from turning 86. They were both buried in Raymond at the Temple Hill Cemetery.

·         Biography of MARY ANN FRANCOM  by Howard Dean Selman Rolfson (grandson)
·         Charles Selman Obituary
·         Funeral Talk for Mary Ann Selman
·         The Francom Family by Fern Dalby