Elizabeth Bott and Samuel Brough
They are the parents of George Henry Brough
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Samuel Brough was born on September 16, 1839. He was the son of Richard Brough and Mary Horleston of Staffordshire, England. They had 12 children.
As a young man, Samuel worked in the coal mines around the city of Longton and also worked in the trades of masonry and carpentry. British census records state that Samuel was working as a coal miner when he was eleven years old.
Elizabeth Bott was born on March 18, 1838 to Benjamin and Elizabeth Bott. She was the oldest of nine children and did not attend a single day of school in her life. She and her sisters were china painters and decorators in the Staffordshire potteries.
Elizabeth’s parents were members of the Church of England and bitterly opposed her keeping company with Samuel since his father was a Mormon and Elizabeth's parents were long time members of the Church if England . However, Elizabeth didn't care what her parents said and both she and Samuel, while dating, investigated the Mormon church and ended up being baptized in May of 1857. After Elizabeth joined the Church, her parents cut her out of their lives for many years. Years later, Elizabeth got back in contact with her siblings through letters.
On 7 February 1858, Samuel Brough married Elizabeth Bott in Edensor, Staffordshire. He built one room onto his father's house where they lived until they came to America. Four children were born in England: Mary Elizabeth (1858), Jane (1860), Samuel (1861), and Eliza (1863).
Samuel and Elizabeth and their children left Liverpool on 30 May 1863 on the ship Cynosure. They sailed with a company of 754 Saints under the direction of David M. Stewart, arriving in New York Harbor on July 19.
Samuel and Elizabeth and their children left Liverpool on 30 May 1863 on the ship Cynosure. They sailed with a company of 754 Saints under the direction of David M. Stewart, arriving in New York Harbor on July 19.
While on board ship there was an epidemic of measles and two year old Samuel became very sick and almost died a few times. After arriving in New York, the family started westward. They traveled part of the way to Florence, Nebraska in cattle cars. They crossed the Missouri River near Florence on a ferry. Shortly after arriving in Nebraska, little Samuel finally succumbed to the measles and died on August 7, 1863. He was buried in a dry-goods box, dressed in a little colored nightgown.
On August 15, 1863 they started across the plains in the Samuel D. White Company. Many families were assigned to each wagon. Elizabeth walked most of the way while carrying her 5 month old daughter, Eliza. Samuel drove the team all the way to Utah. The wagon trained pushed forward everyday stopping for a half a day each week to wash their clothes in the nearest creek.
On October 15, 1863, they reached a snow covered Salt Lake City. Arriving at the beginning of winter made it cold and miserable, it was hard to feel at home. They lived in Bountiful, Utah the first winter and in the spring, moved to Porterville, Utah in Morgan County. They lived in a little dugout in the hillside. It was lined with adobes, and there was a fireplace in one end.
In the spring when the snow started to melt, the frost came out of the ground and the water washed down the chimney and part of the wall caved in. A little daughter, Emma, was born in this dugout on March 25, 1865. This same year two year old Eliza died. Eliza had been ill for only a little while, and the night before she died, it is said she cried for a potato, but there were none to give. This death was extra hard for Elizabeth to bear because she always felt that her little girl died of starvation.
The family was able to move into a two-room house and there another son, William Thomas, was born on December 11, 1866. In February 1867, the Union Pacific Railroad was starting down the Weber Canyon. They moved to Henefer and found employment. Prudence was born in Henefer on September 24, 1868. Samuel then moved his family back to Porterville to work with his brother Thomas in a brickyard.
In May 1870 Samuel left Elizabeth in Porterville with five children and her expecting another whil he traveled to Randolph to see the land that was available for homesteading. He stayed the summer in Randolph and worked as an expert chimney maker. While Samuel built chimneys for the settlers they cut and hauled logs for the house he was building for his family. He received 20 acres of land to homestead. He built a two-room log house located on the corner of Field Street and Second East. Their son, George Henry (who we come from), was born in Porterville on July 9, 1870.

The family was able to move into a two-room house and there another son, William Thomas, was born on December 11, 1866. In February 1867, the Union Pacific Railroad was starting down the Weber Canyon. They moved to Henefer and found employment. Prudence was born in Henefer on September 24, 1868. Samuel then moved his family back to Porterville to work with his brother Thomas in a brickyard.
Samuel returned to Porterville in the fall to harvest his crops and move the rest of the family to Randolph. By the time he returned, Elizabeth had not heard from him for so long that she had thought he may have died. She was sitting by the side of the house crying when she saw him walking over the hill.
Samuel harvested his crops, sold his farm to his older brother, Thomas Brough, and sold their house. With a horse, a pair of oxen and a prairie schooner, Samuel, Elizabeth and their six children left for Randolph. Ducks, pigs, chickens and all their belongings were packed in the wagon, which also had a box on the back. Their three cows along with some other cattle were driven. It took a week to make the trip.
It was after dark when they reached Big Creek south of Randolph. The wagon got stuck in the mud and they all walked into Randolph while Samuel stayed with their stuff. They reached a house and stayed with them while the husband of that house went back to help Samuel get the wagon out. It was near midnight when they finally reached the little two-room log house with a dirt floor. Samuel had gathered the chips from the hewed logs and piled them in the center of the room. At the time, it did not have any doors or windows in it. Elizabeth sat on the pile of chips and cried. A fire was soon started in the fireplace in the west end of the room.
Elizabeth and the children stayed and milked and fed the cows, pigs, chickens and ducks while Samuel went to Almy, Wyoming to work in the coal mines during the winter. In the spring Samuel cleared a piece of land and planted grain and had a small vegetable garden. They gathered hay from the "bottoms" east of town for the cattle. They carried their water from "Little Creek" for household purposes until a well could be dug--they called it the "Old Windless." They still had hard times as their crops were not certain. Samuel was a very good farmer and worked at this in the summertime, and worked in the coal mines in Almy, Wyoming during the winters.
While in Randolph, Samuel and Elizabeth had three more children: Hannah (1872), Benjamin (1874), and Adria (1876). Samuel spent years building the family's new brick home. Money was scarce and he would have to stop for awhile, harvest his crops, and sell some to obtain more money. He made his own brick, lime, and did the mason work on his home which was the first brick home to be built in Randolph. He also helped build many other homes in Randolph.
Elizabeth’s granddaughters recall her as a dainty lady; mannerly, polite and refined. Proper in everything she said and did. When working in her home she could always be found with a long black skirt, frilly black satin blouses, and a long clean white starched apron, edged in lace at the bottom. She always had pretty bonnets that tied under her chin. Her home and Elizabeth were immaculately clean and neat.
Samuel and Elizabeth’s yard was beautiful and well kept. Flower beds lined the board walks. The house’s sunny bay windows were filled with plants and blooming fuchsias and geraniums. Her cupboard held the English china painted by her sisters, straight from the Wedgewood potteries in Staffordshire.
Samuel Brough was a religious man and attended to his Church affairs with dedication. He died 29 May 1911 at the age of 71. He left Elizabeth well provided for financially. On hand were all six of her daughters. Three of her four sons passed away before she did.
Elizabeth’s life was an example of true devotion to her husband, family, church and friends. She was a hard worker and often said, “It is better to wear out than to rust out.” In later years she accepted help from her granddaughters to clean her house, but no one was allowed to polish her stove. She was known throughout the valley for her hot cross buns, raisin bread, and butterscotch candy. Her daughter and granddaughters delivered hot cross buns to loved ones on Good Friday as they had seen her do.
Elizabeth was the only one of her family to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She always defended her faith and encouraged her children and other Latter-day Saints to remain faithful to their beliefs. Of Elizabeth it was said, She never regretted the sacrifices and hardships she went through to come to Zion. She died 23 Nov 1921 at the age of 83.
Brough family picture.
Back row Left to Right; Hannah, William, Prudence, George, Emma
Second row; Mary Elizabeth, Samuel (Father), Elizabeth (Mother), Jane (plural wife of Archibald McKinnon)
Third row: Adria, Benjamin
Second row; Mary Elizabeth, Samuel (Father), Elizabeth (Mother), Jane (plural wife of Archibald McKinnon)
Third row: Adria, Benjamin
Not pictured: Little Samuel and Eliza who died in their childhood.
· History, Descendants, & Ancestry of William Rex & Mary Elizabeth Brough of
Randolph, Utah Ronald Dee Rex (pp. 65-69)
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