Friday, September 23, 2011

Leonard Bingham Autobiography

Below is life sketch written by Leonard Bingahm about his own life. 

Leonard Bingham

How we relate:
He is the father of Ella Mae Bingham McKinnon
Who is the mother of Don McKinnon

I was born on 6 October 1893 at Huntsville, Weber County, Utah. My first picture was taken when I was about six months old. It was a family picture with dad holding me and mother holding my twin brother, Lorin. We were both in dresses with a blond curl on top of our head.
I was the sixteenth child, my brother, Lorin, being the fifteenth. One of my early recollections was  when I was four years old. 1 was sick and lying on the bed when my sister, Olive, came in. She said if I would let her remove my cold sore scab from my face she would give me something. I agreed and she gave me a package to open. It was my first store overalls. Before this all my pants had been made by my mother. I felt grown up with new store overalls.   

Erastus Perry Bingham Family - 1894
Back (L to R): Louisa Marinda, Olive Rebecca, Joseph Franklin,
Albern Allen, Francis, Emeline Chastina.
4th row: Perry Alanson, Father Erastus Perry Bingham,
Mother Emeline Clarissa Allen Bingham, Mary Lucinda.
3rd row: Clarence, Lorin (twin), Wilford Levi, Leonard (twin).
2nd row: Thomas Lorenzo, Erastus Edward, Ezra.
Front: William Henry

Erastus Perry Bingham Family - 1894

I started school when I was five years old for two months in the spring. The teacher could not tell Lorin and me apart. So we started fooling the teachers from time to time. If one of us had to stay during the noon hour, we took turns sitting in the seat while the other had lunch. We never missed our lunch and no one was the wiser.
When we reached the third grade, they consolidated the schools String Town and Huntsville. This is when we learned to fight. It was fight or get beaten up. We would not have minded if they had all been our size, but the larger ones seemed to think it was a free for all. We might not have fared so well had it not been for my cousin, Josie Allen. She jumped in to help us out and soon they left us alone.

Family of  Erastus Perry Bingham & Emeline Clarissa Allen Bingham

Back row: Joseph Franklin, Erastus Edward, William Henry, Thomas Lorenzo,
Albern Allen, Ezra, Leonard, Lorin & Clarence
Middle Row: Cedina, Louisa Marinda, Francis, Emeline Chastina, Erastus Perry
Bingham, Emeline Clarissa Allen Bingham, Perry Alanson, Olive Rebecca & MaryLucinda
Front row: Arnold Hyrum & David Moroni
Not pictured: Wilford Levi (who died from typhoid fever in 1900)


It was some time before this that my older brothers started losing their lunches at school. Someone was taking them just before lunch time. Mother always had doughnuts or pie in our lunches. I think this was the reason. When mother learned about this, she decided to do something about it. She ground some rhubarb root and added it to the next batch of doughnuts. Now all they had to do was wait. Soon the teacher decided three girls were leaving the room all too often and asked for the reason. Dave Newey, a cousin, offered this information. Mrs. Bingham's boys have been losing their lunches, so she added some "California quick silver" to the doughnuts. Now those girls have the "rocky mountain quick step". This was the end of the lunch stealing.

We always had a nice Christmas. We did not get as many presents as they do today, but we were satisfied with knitted mittens, socks and some little thing we might get. The family and friends were always dropping in.
Twins Leonard and Lorin

A tragedy came into my life when my brother, Wilford, died. Wilford was just older than Lorin and I. He took sick when we were at Grandma Allen's. Lorin and I pulled him home in our little wagon. We did not think he was that sick and we missed him terribly.

I believe we had more fun as boys than most boys today. We herded cows up South Fork Canyon in the spring. Then after we cut the first crop of alfalfa and timothy hay, we herded the cows in the fields. We knew where the best choke cherries grew, the best apples and watermelons, too. We were like the bears, we lived off the fat of the land. The fishing was good, the Sage Hens plentiful and there were plenty of deer in the mountains. Kid dances were a sport in the winter, too. When money was scarce we twins had it over the others and took turns dancing as most people could not tell us apart. Mother, though, never seemed to get us mixed up. We liked to go swimming and fishing. We had several good swimming places. One in South
Fork of Ogden River.

We had a baseball team up String Town. We played with the Huntsvllle team, Eden and Liberty. The sleighing was great in winter, as was the coasting and skiing down the mountain slope. There was always plenty of ice to skate. All you needed was the ambition to participate. I liked to skate and got so I could cut figures.

We finished our grade school in Huntsville. Lorin and I still fooling people as to who was who. Many are the lickings I took for him and he will say the same. But we can't deny we had fun. When we got caught for some mischief, we would say it was the other one and there were times we avoided punishment. But there were the times we took it for the other one or both to make sure the right one was punished. So it had its advantages and disadvantages. I attended high school at the Old Weber Academy, now Weber College.

In 1916 I went to Idaho where I took up a homestead. I was there two years when I was called into the Army in 1918. I did not get overseas. I was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington, Company I, First U. S. Infantry. I came home after the war ended in 1919. I farmed in Idaho that year.

In February 1920,  I landed in Beckwith, Wyoming, ten miles south of Cokeville. My brother, Frank, had bought a ranch there. I was a junior partner in the Lincoln Ranch. It consisted of 3400 acres, 2200 was in hay and grain. I was there only six weeks when we heard our brother, Will, had died of influenza. Will's wife had died only two weeks before. This left five children without dad or mother. I took the first train back to Blackfoot to attend the funeral. After the funeral, I took Carvel back with me to Frank and Annie. They were going to keep him. I was wishing I was married so I could have taken one of those poor frightened kids.

From the time I was about five years old, I spent a lot of time at my brother, Frank's. He was a second father. I took his cows to the pasture, helped in the hay field, or what other odd jobs he might find for me to do. His boys were like brothers to me. Annie, Frank's wife, was good to me, too. Walter and Golden, Frank's two oldest boys, followed me around and we had lots of good times. Golden played the piano and we all sang. When we had nothing better to do, we sang to the cows.

On the Lincoln Ranch it fell to me to do the range riding. Golden usually went with me. It was Golden who went with me this time. It was fall, and we were riding for stray cattle. That night where we stayed the women had so many flowers in the room that it made me sick. We didn't sleep much anyway because when we were assigned beds there was a couch for one, and we were told the other could sleep with a man known as "Four thumbs
.  The woman said he had just that — four thumbs. I hurried and got the couch. Golden took one look at Four Thumbs and said, "Move over, I'm sleeping with you". So we both slept on the couch. We rode to Davinson's Ranch the next day. They gave us a pup and we took it home to Carvel. Then Frank decided to move back to Utah. He bought a place in Morgan. I did not have capital to go on myself so I went to Randolph, Utah, and got a job working on the Diamond J. Ranch.
I worked on the Diamond J. for a year. It was while working there I started going with the girl I married. I had met her two years before at a dance. We had a lot of fun that summer. There is a summer resort at Bear Lake with swimming, boating and dancing. Dancing was our main sport. Some horseback riding was also there. Mable and I were married on the 21st of February 1923. Apostle Joseph Fielding Smith performed the ceremony in the Salt Lake Temple. I continued working at the Diamond J. that winter. The following May I rented a ranch from my mother-in-law. We lived there for the next few years. Then she decided to sell and we moved to town.

On 3 December 1923 our first child was born, a boy. The doctor held him up, spanked him and said, "Here is your little sheepherder".  ElMont was not fragile by any means, but I was afraid to handle him so I carried him around on a pillow. When he was about six weeks old, I decided to clean a chimney that had been giving us trouble. When I had finished I went to see if I had done any good. There was my tiny son lying on his pillow smiling up at me through his black face. I laughed for it was quite a sight.

Nineteen months later we were blessed with a little girl. She was born on 18 July 1925. We named her Ella Mae. You could say she was black when she was born for the cord was wrapped around her neck shutting off the air. Dr. Reay worked fast. Finally he said, "Here she is that was a close one, but we saved her. "As it turned out, she was our only girl. She had another close call when she was nine years with appendicitis. But we made that, too.

We had one more little bundle to complete our family. Twenty-three months later, we had another boy. Fred Brough Bingham was born 25 June 1927. All three have curly hair. By the time Fred came along, I felt more confident in handling him. I dared to pick him up and toss him around. He was a very good natured baby. When he was just big enough to walk, he followed his Uncle Eldon to a neighbor's where they were painting a car. He came back all painted up. He started young, for cars have been his main interest. He now has a nice garage in Ogden, Utah, "Bingham Garage". This is how he makes his living.

"In 1931 depression hit the country. Those who did not own a place large enough where they could make a living were hard hit. I was no exception. The next four or five years there were few jobs to be found. You made your own job or went hungry. I went to the canyon, hauled out logs wading in snow to my hips in winter. Ranchers who had always hired men now hired their son or relatives. It was in 1937 the contractors started to come in and I was able to get a few jobs again. The trouble was they were short lived and before you knew it you were out of a job again.

In 1942 I went to Ogden to see if I could get a job. War plants were opening up and many were being employed. I decided to try my luck. Two fellows went with me and we all found work. I got a job at Hill Field. Now called Hill Air Force Base. I worked as a carpenter and woodworker. I started in April and my family stayed in Randolph to finish school. I was unable to go home for ElMont's graduation in May. ElMont was very disappointed and so was I. I moved my family to Ogden the end of May. We have been had we made the move. Ogden had more opportunities to offer my family now they were getting older. I
worked at Hill Field for twenty-two years before retiring.

We lived in Randolph twenty-two years before coming to Ogden, so I left a few land marks there; I built our home there and have helped to build many of the buildings there. Some of which are: Scout House, County Fair Building, Rich City, Court House, Sinclair Station, Recreation Hall, remodeling the church house, homes and garages. I served on the Town Board for four years. I kept busy in the church, serving two Stake Missions. My last mission was in 1940 and 1941. Mable and I were both called along with ten others. We visited homes, held cottage meetings, also organized a Sunday School at Sage, Wyoming, twenty miles from Randolph. Four missionaries took turns supervising the Sunday School there. This was a happy time and we made lots of friends. We hope we did some good. The last year I was Branch President and Mable was Secretary.
I am now a High Priest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Some church assignments I have filled are: Teacher in Sunday School, also in Sunday School Superintendence, teacher in M.I.A., Scout leader, Work Director of the Church Welfare Program and two stake missions. In my high priest quorum, I was secretary for two years, assistant Group Leader for three years and Group Leader for three years. I was ward teacher supervisor for five years and have always served as a ward teacher.
One of my worthwhile accomplishments was the building of our home in Ogden. I built on in Randolph, but it was not all we hoped for, so I promised my wife I would build her a larger and nicer one some day. Our Ogden home was the fulfillment of that promise.

In May 1962, I retired from my job at Hill Field. My wife and I are spending the winter in Mesa, Arizona. Our daughter lives there. Our boys in Ogden, so we intend to spend the winters here where it is warmer and the summers in Ogden where we can spend time with our boys and their families. Next week, 21 February 1963, we will celebrate our 40th Wedding Anniversary.
Mabel Brough Bingham

Leonard Bingham

Added by me: 
Leonard's wife, Mabel died about 3 years later in December of 1965 of Colon Cancer. He married Edna Raines civilly in ____.  Leonard was in a car accident which did not kill him though he never fully recoverd and he died on October 8, 1968 and is buried next to his forever sweetheart Mabel in Ogden, Utah.

  • 1963 Autobiography of Leonard Bingham found in the book: The Descendants of Erastus Bingham and Lucinda Gates
  • Photos of Leonard reterieved from my father's family history items
  • Erastus Bingham family photos  given to me by Stephen McDonald - Great Grandson of Erastus


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